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Stuart Wilde

The Feminine Nature of Surrender by Stuart Wilde

Posted by Quiet Earth on 20th Jan 2023


It is easy to become indignant at the evil of the world and the way the planet and its animals are mistreated. It is all very sad. Yet your soul can become wet wading through rivers of injustice that you are powerless to fix. Sometimes the weight of helplessness and futility hangs over us like a shroud. We lose touch with beauty as we become blinded by a silent rage that taunts us from the gates of hell to become as evil as the injustice we rile against. One can soon lose sight of self and which way to go.

In the end, I reconciled it in my heart by realizing two important things: powerlessness is a part of people’s karma in this life; we have to be gracious and accept it. And, while injustice is a terrible thing, we can see an improvement in the world over recent decades as humanity becomes more and more conscious and aware of itself. Also in being aware of injustice and watching it we learn what it is that we don’t want to become.

Beauty lies in surrender. It’s a feminine humility that calls to wounded souls from beyond the mists of the eternal Tao and Avalon. Late at night I’d called to the ladies of the mist saying, “Help me, my heart, she cry.”

And sometimes the Spirit of Surrender would whisper to me in visions and dreams and she would tell me to quit and sit and wait. So to while away the time I’d breathe love into the hearts of liars and crooks and pedophiles and the embezzlers of human souls, and I felt better and I waited as instructed.

Most of the evil is yang and all of our glorious histories of which we are so proud, are but gruesome accounts of pillage, mass murder and conquest. Humanity is but a child sick with a terrible bout of yang that has lasted several thousand years. It’s an evolutionary phase like the antics of a rebellious teenager. There is no point in fighting it for in the emotion of your antagonism you abandon the very softness that offers you reconciliation and redemption.

We are all changing and growing and in the collective nightmare of our humanity a golden light trickles through in the dead of night liberating people as fast as they will embrace a new ideal. We have to be grateful for small mercies, there are many people on the spiritual path that are trying to escape and they are bringing others with them. Understanding that, we should be patient and surrender, for there is gentleness in that, and anyway, in a long enough time-frame the yang will burn itself out and the feminine will triumph. As a part of that softness it is best not to get too hung up with people’s deficiencies but rather look to their heroic redeeming qualities, while of course fixing yourself, all the while.

The softness that calls to us from beyond the mist is a very great power that we know little about, but it has shown that it will sustain you once you start to break free, and it graciously holds you up when you begin to doubt or when you feel a bit wobbly. You are not alone. The trick is to not confront the system while you are trying to leave it. I was a bit too brash in this life. I should have kept my mouth shut and walked away. There is a stupidity in confronting the system, for that which you confront holds you invisibly by the wrist not allowing you to get away.

But I learned my lessons and eventually I retreated. And once I put down the cudgel of my indignation and I embraced the feminine spirit, the humility of her world gradually built a bridge for me and I saw the way out. Respite is there for every weary soul blessed as they all should be.

Surrender. It took me a while but I got the message eventually that I am eternally grateful.

Stuart Wilde

Abandonment and the Inner Child

Posted by Quiet Earth on 2nd Mar 2023


We all suffer from abandonment of one kind or another. Our first abandonment is a spiritual one, for deep within we remember we come from an abode of light. There is sadness in all of us, whereby we finally remember the celestial world from which we came. That is why we seek to reconnect with that light through religious and spiritual practices.

Then there is the abandonment we suffer when we move out of our teens into the grown-up world of responsibility. Protection offered by our caregivers in youth is lost and suddenly we are in a dog eat dog world, trying to make sense of it all.

Then we go through various abandonments in our relationships as we try out various combinations and we discover that the idea of romantic love is a concoction — an idealism that grew out of the Middle Ages. The real thing is often not built to last. The words “and they lived happily ever after” is just a cute way of ending fairy stories. In real life, living happily ever after takes a lot of effort, communication, and compromise.

The material world of competition and performance sets us up for further knocks.. If we falter, or if we are not up to form minute-by-minute, we are soon rejected and ditched. If we don't make it in a world that worships glamour and materialism, our self-image may suffer a setback.

Then, many of us had to deal with abandonment in childhood. Our fathers and mothers left and went elsewhere, Or they were physically present but they were engaged in the helter-skelter of modern living. We were virtually ignored as we grew up, left to our own devices. Maybe the presence of it all drove our caregivers to drink and drugs or other dysfunctions.

Abandonment is common. We each face it as a part of our lessons in life. We have to transcend the sense of loss and helplessness and become freestanding individuals, in control of our lives. It's easier said than done. But none of the lessons of the earth plane are beyond us. If the lessons were impossible, I doubt, from a spiritual perspective, that any of us would have come here knowing that we were bound to fail.

The other abandonment we have to deal with is when we experience society in general, and when the State in particular has abandoned us. As we become more isolated, people become less helpful and nastier, especially as conditions get

tougher. Meanwhile, the State has changed from being a benign protector of its people to an aggressive predator, one that seeks to consume people's energy ( security) to sustain itself.

Another abandonment we are forced to look at is the abandonment of self. In a lifestyle of excessive activity and dysfunction, we often abandon the inner child, who is then left in the terror of its lonely existence, unable to do anything about its pain.

First, we have to realise that abandonment and the loneliness it brings, is common to all of us. Our world suffers from mass abandonment. It's part of our evolution at this time.

Second we have to want to transcend that abandonment and reclaim the inner child, by nurturing it and acting as it's lost parent. It has to know that we will protect and look after it. By taking care of the inner child we become self sufficient. To rely on others who are in the rat race and or the State apparatus, is to enroll in the University of Hard Knocks.

Once we realise materialism is an illusion, we see that we can have serenity and self-worth without great wealth, and prestige. We can then retreat within, away from the mire of the outside world, and so the healing process begins. As a part of that healing we have to link with others, forming tribal connections with loving, helpful people who understand there is another way. it's important that each of us has a support system around us. In actively joining the Love Vibe and others of like mind, we grant ourselves meaning. It is how we step away from the ego’s isolationism to a more collective global belonging.

Finally we have to return to the source. So via meditation, quiet time, ritual, and prayer, we walk slowly back to the spiritual home from whence we came. In that silence we pick up the inner child; reassuring it, embracing it, while telling it we love it and promising never to leave it behind unattended and alone.

Taking 3 years off from being on the road was my way of claiming back that which I had lost. It meant a lot to me, more than words can say. If I drop dead tomorrow I would do so, at one and at peace with my God and my inner child. By transcending abandonment, I completed a journey, one of many I suppose, but an important one.

Stuart Wilde.

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